Why it works

For the UK to lead on avoiding the worst effects of climate change, we must get a grip on flying. With technological solutions out of reach for decades to come, that means reducing the amount we fly.

Not everyone flies the same amount

In fact, each year only half the UK population gets on a plane. And 70% of flights are taken by just 15% of Brits.

Those who do are more likely to be professionals

The data shows us that these ‘frequent flyers’ are more likely to be professionals with disposable income. Helping them shift their travel habits is the quickest and smartest way to keep carbon emissions from planes in check.

So employers can make a big difference

That’s why employers are so well placed to make change. Our research found that the number one most valued option was the offer of a limited number of annual paid ‘journey days’ to allow time for longer, clean journeys - reflecting the busy lives staff lead.

You can help change the agenda

And we know that the more people who fly less, the more people will follow suit.

We created Climate Perks because we all know where we want to go, we just need some help getting there.